We are Boca Raton's dealer alternative for Audi, BMW, MINI, Porsche, and Volkswagen repair. At German Car Repair, our services range from scheduled factory maintenance to complete engine/transmission rebuilds. We perform full diagnostics using factory equipment, determine the resulting issues, and supply prioritized service options so that you can make financial plans accordingly.
It is mandatory for our technicians to undergo regular training to maintain the latest information for your car. We only use top-quality parts from original equipment manufacturers, not aftermarket or Chinese knock-offs. Because we only work on German cars, our specialized experience enhances our knowledge of lesser-known issues that may be particular to certain vehicles.
Factory Scanning and Programming
Check Engine Light Diagnostics
Your vehicle is driving erratically, or you've got a warning light on your dashboard that was blinking yesterday and now is on steady. What do you do? Hint: the answer is not to put a piece of electrical tape over the warning light and pretend it's not happening. Quick attention to dashboard lights can save you thousands on serious repairs down the road.

What Makes a Dashboard Light Come on?
Today's vehicles are manufactured with complex, interrelated systems. On-board computers continuously monitor and store information concerning the performance of these systems. A warning light comes on because the computer has sensed a signal from one of the systems or components that has gone outside its normal operating range. The computer then sends a signal to turn on the dashboard light to let you know something is wrong!
The potential causes for a warning light can range from improperly tightening your gas cap to engine, transmission, or braking system performance issues. While dashboard lights can go on and the car still appears to be driving "fine," ignoring some lights can lead to serious issues, such as engine damage or other component failure. In some instances, this can be a safety hazard. That's why it is recommended to have your car looked at by a certified professional as soon as possible for both your safety and peace of mind. To learn more about the different types of dashboard lights, visit our Car Warning Lights page.
How Can German Car Repair "Diagnose" My Problem?
At German Car Repair, we have the tools, training and technology to properly handle diagnostic issues for everything from a Check Engine light to an ABS Warning light. Properly performing a complete diagnostic procedure normally includes the following steps:
1. RETRIEVE DATA – A full-functioning scan tool is used to perform an onboard computer system analysis in order to retrieve the following:
NOTE: Merely "pulling codes" does not generally provide enough information to make an accurate diagnosis of the problem. Pulling codes is the initial step in the process by identifying the circuit or system that has illuminated the vehicle's dashboard light.
2. VERIFICATION TESTING – Verification tests determine if systems meet proper specifications. These tests may include an analysis of:
NOTE: Failure in any of these basic systems can cause the check engine light to illuminate and falsely identify a circuit or component as the problem, which could lead to improper or unnecessary parts replacement if your garage does not complete verification testing.
3. PINPOINT TESTING – All manufacturers require that circuit or component pinpoint testing be done in order to make an absolute diagnostic determination. These actions involve:
4. RESEARCH TECHNICAL SERVICE BULLETINS – Technical Service Bulletins and hotline information will indicate if the problem has been determined to be a pattern failure, meaning that it is a known issue that occurs with a particular type of vehicle. This does not eliminate the need for testing, as other systems must meet specifications before a service bulletin procedure should be performed.
5. CAR REPAIR – This may involve multiple actions, such as:
6. VERIFY REPAIR – Once all necessary actions have been taken, the vehicle must be retested to verify that the repair is complete and has achieved the proper results.
How Long Will It Take to Diagnose My Problem?
In most cases, we can actually find AND fix the problem on the same day.
Do I Need an Appointment?
Most centers do not require an appointment, but please call our shop for details. It is our goal to make it convenient and offer times that work best for you.
How Much Will It Cost?
A Check Engine Light diagnostic will often be at a fixed rate unless additional diagnostic procedures are needed.
Why Does My Parts Store Offer to "Do My Check Engine Light" for Free?
Parts store's capabilities are limited to only reading the stored trouble codes, but they do not perform the diagnostic procedures to determine what is exactly required to fix your vehicle. German Car Repair has certified technicians whose job it is to accurately diagnose and fix cars!
What Are Examples of Vehicle Operating Issues That Require Diagnostics?
Typical vehicle operating issues that require a diagnosis on your vehicle include:
All the parts we install are guaranteed to meet or exceed manufacturer standards, and if you wish, we'll return all of your old parts to you. If a dashboard light is activated in your vehicle, have the problem taken care of by our experts.

Used Car Inspection
Buying a used car is a great way to save money. However, before you make a used car purchase, it is important to know that the vehicle is safe and is not in need of major and costly repairs. By getting a used car inspection, you can have a much stronger sense of the shape of your potential used car.
What a Used Car Inspection Should Cover A thorough check-up examines mechanical, safety, and appearance aspects, such as the vehicle's:
The best inspections include a road test and a computerized engine analysis. Some comprehensive examinations also evaluate the condition of the instrument controls, pedals, seats, and sound system.
Where to Get a Used Car Inspection
Take the car to a trusted repair shop. German Car Repair Offers such inspections at an affordable price.
If the seller refuses to let you take the car away, suggest that the seller accompany you to our shop.
If you're not buying from a local seller, you can order a pre-purchase inspection from a certified inspection shop located near the seller, and the shop will send the report to you.
We can help you diagnose and review that report for you and give you our honest opinion for no extra cost.
Understanding the Report?
A glowing report should facilitate the sale of the car and make both the buyer and seller feel more at ease with the transaction.
A report that uncovers some minor flaws can be used as a bargaining tool to lower the price. Or, you can insist that the seller take care of the issues before you pay the asking price.
A troublesome report, meanwhile, should make you reconsider the purchase unless the seller is willing to fix all the problems, or you're adept at car repairs and the seller lowers the price accordingly.
Just because you're not a mechanic doesn't mean you shouldn't pay close attention when evaluating a used car. No one is more invested than you in finding a good car to buy, even if you bring someone along to help. When conducting a used car inspection, we always check for:
You should always take the car on a thorough test drive, which includes driving at different speeds and on varying roadway types, and make mental notes on how the car steers, brakes, and handles.
You should always take the car on a thorough test drive, which includes driving at different speeds and on varying roadway types, and make mental notes on how the car steers, brakes, and handles.